Sunday, October 19, 2014

October 2014 Newsletter

Arithwyn’s forest

A QUARTERly newsletter

Celebrating the artistic endeavors OF

Sasha Wolfe Fine Art & photography 

INTENT: To share stories and thoughts of being an artist or any creative passions; to initiate dialog to pursue what we experience through life and discuss some of the issues that we strive to overcome in personal and professional life. It’s an effort to strive to be a good person in life and follow the heart’s desire. Why do we do what we do? What drives us and how does that affect other aspects in our lives? 

Note: If you do not want to receive these newsletters, please let me know and I will take you off the mailing list.

Date:  October 19, 2014                                                                                                                       Volume:  6       

 Greetings, Everyone, 

My plans for doing a monthly newsletter fell by the wayside as life became very hectic. Oh, it’s all good. Perhaps it is better to do the newsletter four times a year.  

We are now in autumn full-swing and although many leaves have fallen, there is still plenty of color to be seen. I’ve taken some short photo excursions for fall foliage pictures. Of course, the journeys were never just about taking pictures. There is always more on the agenda. Everything I do is a potential work project; be it for the newspaper, the next book, or art.  

The downside is that from the time I get up in the morning until evening, my brain is in work mode. It’s not easy with fingers in so many pies, but I love what I do. Life is so interesting to me that I could not commit to only one medium/subject of work. 

Enjoy and Thank-YOU! 

Theme:         “It doesn’t interest me if there is one God or many gods…” 

The words of the poet David Whyte echo in my head as I think of religion, politics, the world. Elections are coming up and we are being inundated with all the campaigning, promises, and the fault-finding between opponents. It’s the same or similar no matter the country or religion. No, I don’t know the particulars of many world governments or the intricacies of religions, but there are similarities about power, those who have power and who want to keep that power. To what end will they go to keep in control? And yes, in my mind it’s all interrelated because it all IS about power. 

“It doesn’t matter to me if there is one God or many gods…” and as I thought about this, I realized that      if there is one God or many gods, it really doesn’t matter. We “wear many hats” as human beings in all the jobs, duties, and responsibilities that we carry. If the one God is all encompassing, all powerful, why wouldn’t the one God be Allah, Buddha, Great Spirit, and whatever other gods people pray to? If God is so omnipresent and loving, why would He resort to the pettiness of humans? Or if there are multiple gods, like in Greek and Roman mythology, would a god treat humans as play pieces on a giant game board? 

Sometimes, with all the information coming at us, I don’t know what to believe any more. All I can do is be a good person, do the best I can, and help others where I can. I’m refusing to get caught up in the negativity of the greater world which means narrowing my world to what is close by and what I can affect. I am a much happier person; I am perfect at being imperfect.


This year has been an “Oh, my God!” exciting and stressful year. The first big news is that I became THE editor of the InterTown Record newspaper in June. Yes, I put THE in capital letters because I still can’t believe it. ME, an official editor! And this opened an entire new thrilling segment in my life. 

I always considered myself a good writer, but the recent promotion has brought my skills to a much higher level. Now I have to be particularly careful of being correct in what and how I write. I keep by my side printed copies of writing rules (especially for punctuation as there are far too many rules to remember), an AP cheat sheet and the AP Stylebook (critical for newspaper writing) and a dictionary. I am constantly checking websites to make sure of the official names and titles of organizations; when the state’s name is spelled out, when it’s used with periods (such as N.H.) and when it’s OK to use NH.  

Another huge accomplishment was the publishing of my book, Too Cold for Alligators. This was an 18 month project not counting the actual trip and preliminary writings. Feedback from those who have read the book has been great. Most are saying, “I felt I was on the journey with you” and “It was wonderful reading.” 

Too Cold for Alligators is for sale at both in printed black and white version and a color e-book version. You can contact me for an autographed copy.  

This has brought me a couple of side editing jobs. Two things really stand out in my mind about anyone wanting to write a book: 1. Always have someone edit your work! No matter how good a writer you are, it’s too easy to make simple mistakes and errors will jump off the page at the readers. I am so thankful for those who edit and proofread my work. 2. The voices in your head are NOT good writers! The precision for professional writing (and you want your printed words to be professional) comes from a different part of the brain than the chatter. Oh, the chatter has wonderful ideas and tells great stories, but those voices are not good at spelling, grammar, or punctuation. 

What this has all meant is that my life and work have taken leaps and detours. I’ve had to adjust my time management, rearrange schedules, and reinvent the type of artist I am. I also picked up a few photography commission jobs which sometimes makes me feel I’m walking a tightrope between one type of work to the next. And through it all, I still have to be the photojournalist covering town events and getting interviews. 

A third bit of news is the invitation to go to Florida this winter. I interviewed and became friends with the owners of Ruggles Mine in Grafton this spring. They winter in Florida and invited me to visit. Oh, to get away from the cold and the snow for a few weeks. How exciting is that! And yes, there will be another book in the works.  

Current art work exhibits:

I have photographs on display in Goffstown, pictures at Tall Pines Realty in Bradford, two drawings and two photographs at Sunapee Lake Massage, two drawings at Z Pharmacy in Newport and photo notecards at Newfound Grocer in Bridgewater. 

More photos have been posted to my online sites. I also recently updated my website. 

Upcoming shows:

I will have a number of prints and cards at the Gallery of Gifts, the Library Arts Center annual holiday shopping opportunity of juried art in Newport, Nov. 8-Dec. 20.

Photographs will also be on display at the Annual Autumn Exhibit at the Jaffrey Civic Center from Nov. 21-Dec. 20.

I will have two photographs at the 16th Annual Member Exhibit of the New Hampshire Society of Photographic Artists at the Exeter Town Hall Gallery sometime in January. 

See more of my work at:

On Facebook at Sasha Wolfe Fine Art & Photography

Please become a follower of my blogs. Thank you.



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